There are a number of questions that get asked regularly by new students and their parents/carers.  Here are some of our current Year 9 students answering some questions which may help. These were filmed when they were in Year 7. Some questions they have answered include:

  • What if I get lost? 
  • What if I'm not in any classes with my friends?
  • What if I forget my PE kit or homework?
  • Where will I catch the school bus and what is it like?​
  • What should I pack in my school bag each day?
  • What types of food are available?​
  • How do I purchase a school dinner?
  • What lunch and after school clubs are on offer for year 7?
  • What if I'm late?
  • How much homework will we get?
  • What if I'm bullied by older students?
  • Will I fit in?
  • What if I am struggling in lessons?
  • Where can I find support?
  • How long do you get to get changed for PE?
  • Are we allowed our phones?​

Please look below for where these questions are answered.

What rewards and sanctions are available at Chellaston Academy?​

We like to praise students who do well at Chellaston. This is mainly in the form of verbal praise, mindset points (awarded for our three main values of Integrity, Care and Excellence). Points are collected and when you reach 50 mindset points you will receive your Bronze certificate, 100 points will earn you your silver award and when you reach 150 mindset points you receive your gold certificate. Some students do extremely well and also go on to achieve their Platinum award.

Success is celebrated at the end of every term with achievement assemblies and is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the term's work both in and out of school so do let us know what activities you participate in outside of school.

What if I am late?

What if I am struggling in lessons?

How long do you get to get changed for PE?

Are we allowed our phones?

How much homework will I be given?

What if I am not in any classes with my friends?

What if I forget my PE kit or homework?

What lunch and after school clubs are on offer?

What types of food are available? We have the DREF for the first term whilst you settle in. This is the newest and biggest canteen at Chellaston Academy.

What if I am lost?

How do I purchase a school dinner? (this video mentions Wisepay, but we now use ParentPay)

What if I am bullied by older students?

What should I pack in my school bag each day?

Where do Year 7 go at break and lunch times?

Where can I find support?

Where will I catch the school bus and what is it like?

Will I fit in?