We are very excited to be running another year 7 residential which is open to all students in the year group. 

This is an exciting opportunity for your child to participate in an enriching experience at Whitemoor Lakes Outdoor Education Centre. This residential is for two nights from Monday 3rd October until Wednesday 5th October and will provide your child with the chance to develop their confidence, promote resilience and determination through interactive team building and adventure activities with their peers. It is a great way to make new friends and develop as a year group.

The total cost of this trip is £180 per student, which includes all meals at the centre and all activities whilst we are there. If you feel that your child would positively benefit from this residential experience, the Academy requires a non-refundable deposit of £90 per child to secure their place by Thursday 7th July 2022. This will need to be paid via ParentPay once your account has been set up (the finance team are working on this at present).

A hard copy of the attached letter will be given to all students during Mrs Grimwood's transition visits.